Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Hot off the presses
In B'lore, we drive on whats left of the road.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, my namma Bengaluru (as it will be called from 1st Nov next year). Old adulterated wine in new bottle say I.
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Photoblog: Parrot in LA
The sheer colors of this parrot are dazzling. Caught it in Disney downtown in LA.
Monday, November 14, 2005
November update ;)
Completed 5 years at Wipro. Damn, I'm o-l-d.
Completed half my MBA, another half to go. Doesn't misery ever end?
My car is 1 year old. And 20% depreciated, sigh!
Completed 4 years in a wonderful relationship and nearly 11 years knowing liklasa. Touch wood.
Got a fab hike at work. More money for us to blow ;)
Thursday, October 20, 2005
B'lore roads!
This is unimaginable loss. Take the number of hghly paid people who are on that road each day, multiply by the loss in productivity, the extra fuel burnt, the extra wear and tear of idling vehicles, the effect on moods and tempers, the time not spent with family or in leisure, and we are talking about a substantial economic and social loss.
Do we care? Does anybody care? Does the police care? Those poor suckers are busy treating the symptoms, not the cause. They are outnumbered by bad tempered drivers and the massive volumes of traffic. They lack scientific means and measures of traffic control. (Any police force in the world which thinks a breathe-analyzer is a nose stuck inside the mouth is neanderthal to say the least.) What about the educated company-wallahs? They sit inside their corporate busses or vans and read the newspaper, or gossip about the day, or sleep while their drivers run amok on the roads and scare the heebie-jeebies out of all the rest of the poor folken like me.
Sunday, September 25, 2005
Downtown Disney!!!
Happened to catch some fine performances by Drew Tretick. Of course, I had never even heard of him, or his music before. I mistook him for a (very talented) street performer. He plays the violin and his music was impeccable. It was enrapturing. I took some photos of him and even made a couple of videos of his performance. He is awesome. Turned out that he's an internationally recognized star!

Friday, September 23, 2005
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Around the world in 80 days?
Every place has a unique culture, a unique look. Be it the summer holiday look of Cairns, the fast-paced-sky-scrapered look of Chicago, or the colonial look of Singapore, the laid back look in San Francisco, night-life look of Tel Aviv or even the boston-brahmany look in Boston.
A toast to more such travels.
Monday, August 29, 2005
Photoblog: Dark Tower
Taipei 101, the tallest building in the world, seen in the distance like the proverbial dark tower. Completely dominates the surroundings. Reminds me of Stephen King's Dark Tower...
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Photoblog: Fishy business
I ordered what seemed to be a nice portion of fish on the menu in a very upscale restaurant in Taipei. Got served this humungous, smelly fish. I just had to take a photo...
Sunday, August 07, 2005
Being ill...
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Much ado about the apostrophy
So I decided to so some research on the net to find out about this "issue". And ran across tons of discussions and material on the correct usage of the apostrophe.
One of the best discussions forums on this topic can be found here in Mediawhore. An excellent and comprehensive journal on the Plural Noun Forms is available here by Webster.
And by far, the best comment on this controversy was this image
from AngryFlower.com. Its hilarious. And while you are it, do check out the Angry Flower website. Its pretty good.
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Mediocre But Arrogant
PS: Just-like-me books are stories about you and me, common everyday people and our loves and our lifes.
I was looking for some articles on HR problems in Indian companies on Google (nothing like finding ones homework already prepared and pasted on some website, eh?) for a class assignment, when I chanced upon this blog. Then I discovered a Jampot connection (Abhijit is another MBA type from XLRI, Jamshedpur, and I grew up and did my schooling from Loyola School in Jamshedpur.) And I was hooked.
Will await the book to hit the stands. Meanwhile, check out his blog.
Thursday, June 09, 2005
Photoblog: Sunrise over Amsterdam 1
Sunrise hues light up the eastern sky over Amsterdam. Taken from the flight as it was coming in to land at Schipol airport.
Friday, April 29, 2005
Loyola website
PS: BTW, did anybody know that the Loyola website was defaced by this obscure group called WFD way back in 2002. I came upon it on the net when I was tring to find information about this cyber sqatting. See this for more details. Seem like a bunch of "high profile" Indian websites were defaced and unfortunately Loyola School's website had the (dubious) distinction of being one of these.
Thursday, April 28, 2005
Photoblog: Damon Mill 1
I'm in Concord, Boston. Its such a beautiful town. Damon Mill used to be a textile mill, and is now converted in to a hi tech office. This is a view around it. Very scenic and old worldly.
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
Sunday, April 24, 2005
Schipol airport...
Wednesday, March 30, 2005
Back to India
Thursday, March 10, 2005
Gabriel Faure
One of my favourites is Gabriel Faure. Been listening to him all the time these days. He was a French composer in the early 20th century and wrote some wonderful pieces of music. He is a brilliant, unsung genius. One of his very best is this piece called Pavane (that's of course my opinion). Its a slow moving piece and is the most delightful piece of music I've ever heard (and I've heard a lot of classical music).
PS: If anybody wants to hear this piece, drop me a line. I will be glad to mail you the mp3. Believe me, it will make a music lover out of you.
Wednesday, March 09, 2005
Last week...
Downtown Chicago is a beautiful beautiful place. I arrived in downtown Chicago late in the evening, with millions of lights twinkling in tall buildings. It was simply stunning; I had never quite seen a city like this one. We had dinner at a small cosy place, a Moroccan joint called Andalous.
Next morning (Morning? More like noon) , we went exploring around. Had breakfast at a Mexican joint. Clicked some photographs. Had coffee at Starbucks, another first for me. Checked out the breath taking architecture, skyscrapers kissing the wintry blue above. Stark and beautiful.
Caught a long flight back on Saturday evening to Bangalore, via Frankfurt and Mumbai. Whew. In a couple of days I'm leaving for Tel Aviv. Globe trotter, be I :o
Thursday, March 03, 2005
Wish I was here at Christmas. Shore would've been nice. Cant even take a photograph, coz my camera was stolen. Oh yeah, my house was burgurled a couple week ago and I lsot a lot of stuff, including my precious digital camera.
Wednesday, January 26, 2005
Photoblog: night life 2
A friend of mine lighting a fag at night. In case you cant make out nething, that's his hand cupping the fag near his mouth.